Saturday, October 3, 2009

A month ago? really?

Proud dads and their girls!

Marlee's makeshift "seat" made out of packaging inside a box!

Aren't they so cute? It wouldn't be a blog entry without new pictures of Marlee and Courtney! They love to play together and to go on storytime outings to Barnes and Noble (below)!

I really can't believe that my last post was a month ago! Actually, I can believe it, because we have been so busy with nothing in particular that it does feel like the month has flown by! I can't believe it's already October and that we're right on the footsteps of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!!!!
Marlee is now 17 months old! And I can't believe that in a few weeks she'll be 18 months and halfway to her 2nd birthday! She is such a joy! Everyday is something new, a new skill or a new word! Her personality is so much fun to watch, whether she's asking for a "nack" or wanting to give the doggies a "teet" (treat), or dragging a piece of cardboard box into the living room to make a seat, she never ceases to amaze us with what she's doing or wants! We are so proud of her!

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