Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pretty Toes

Marlee had her first pedicure play date!! Two weeks ago, Marlee, Sailer, and Charlotte met at Pigtails and Crewcuts (a kids haircut salon) to get pedicures! I knew Marlee would love it because when she finds my nailpolish, she tries to paint her own toenails!!
It was so cute to see all the girls get their toes done!! I'm sure this won't be the last pedicure playdate!!

showing off her "pretty" toes!

Charlotte and Marlee sure did enjoy checking out all the goodies!

3 pretty girls with pretty toes!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 09

Look at how much the girls have grown since last year!

What a beautiful day it was today-perfect to visit the pumpkin patch! We met Courtney, "Aud-ree", and James at the Due West Methodist pumpkin patch! The girls had a great time running around, picking up pumpkins, sitting on them, and trying to pick them up! What a huge difference than last year!

Marlee's first trip to the fair!

Last week, while I was out at a soccer game, Marlee got to go to the North Georgia State Fair for the first time with Kendall and his parents (Granddaddy and Grandmommy)! I was sad that I missed out on her first trip, but was excited to hear all about what she saw there! You can see in the pictures that Marlee had a great time!!
What a beautiful day!!

Gotta play games at the fair! Marlee loves ducks!

She picked the right duck and won a little stuffed duck! She carried it around the whole afternoon, but for some reason, it never made it home!

Check out that elephant!
and camel
and those goats!
Looking at all of those animals is exhausting! Gotta take a juice break!
sweet bunnies!

Riding on the carousel horse!

A month ago? really?

Proud dads and their girls!

Marlee's makeshift "seat" made out of packaging inside a box!

Aren't they so cute? It wouldn't be a blog entry without new pictures of Marlee and Courtney! They love to play together and to go on storytime outings to Barnes and Noble (below)!

I really can't believe that my last post was a month ago! Actually, I can believe it, because we have been so busy with nothing in particular that it does feel like the month has flown by! I can't believe it's already October and that we're right on the footsteps of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!!!!
Marlee is now 17 months old! And I can't believe that in a few weeks she'll be 18 months and halfway to her 2nd birthday! She is such a joy! Everyday is something new, a new skill or a new word! Her personality is so much fun to watch, whether she's asking for a "nack" or wanting to give the doggies a "teet" (treat), or dragging a piece of cardboard box into the living room to make a seat, she never ceases to amaze us with what she's doing or wants! We are so proud of her!