Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fabulous 4th!

Hanging out with Luke before going up to the square!

Gotta love a wagon ride!
Aren't they cute? Sailer, Marlee, and Charlotte wearing coordinating Sugar Britches' Kids dresses!

Mommy and her favorite girl!

Waiting for the fireworks!

After a long day and a long walk home....

Luke is wide awake, and Marlee is fast asleep!

It's almost a week later, but we hope that you guys had a fabulous 4th of July! We sure did! Not only did we celebrate Kendall's birthday, but it was also Marlee's first fireworks! The day started off early for me and Kendall-getting up at 5am so we could meet up with our friends Rick and Lorelei to go down to the Peachtree Road Race. Good thing Marlee was spending the night with the grandparents, because that was just a little too early for her!
After the race, it was lunch time with Kendall's family to celebrate his birthday! There's nothing like a delicious Rafferty's lunch after having run 6.2 miles! We headed home to take an afternoon nap, then we were off to Audrey's pool for a quick swim before heading up to the square. Of course the 4th wouldn't be complete without a fried chicken dinner-yum!!! Then we were off to the square where we met up with a bunch of people from our lifegroup who were all hanging out at the funeral home where Kendall's parents work! Lots of pictures later and a stroll around the square came time for the fireworks show! Marlee enjoyed them very much! We had a great view of the show! Leaving the square was quite fun! Lots of traffic made us decide to make the 1 mile walk home to Kendall's parents house instead of sitting in traffic! It was a great idea because we made it back to their house faster than the traffic was moving! Our day concluded at around 11:30 when we finally were on our way home! What a fun 4th of July we had! Looking forward to next year!

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