Monday, February 23, 2009

Let's Take Turns!

A few weeks ago, Marlee had fun pushing Courtney on the Pooh plane. Today, they took turns pushing each other! It was so cute!

Courtney's turn for a ride!

Now it's Marlee's turn for a ride!

Drinking (juice) Buddies!

The girls sure do love drinking their juice!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

10 Months Old!!

Today, Marlee turned 10 months! Wow! I can't believe that in two short months, we will be celebrating her 1 year birthday! We actually went to the doctor today because Marlee has not been feeling well. So on her 10 month birthday, she has an ear infection! It is her second ear infection (first one was in Sept). While at the doctor's office, Marlee got weighed and is 18 pounds 12 ounces. Since her 9 month appointment, Marlee has been eating more table foods. She loves string cheese, banannas, peaches, , apples, chicken sticks (like Vienna sausages), carrots, and turkey lunch meat. While that may not seem like a huge food variety, I'm trying to get her used to eating the different textures while also giving her some baby foods to fill in the gaps! Marlee has also begun taking steps!! She's actually been taking steps for several weeks now (to me or Kendall if we stand her up), but now she is at the point where she is walking to an object that is near where she is at. She's taking 4-5 steps at a time! In no time we are going to be chasing her around the house, so I'm treasuring these last few days/weeks of her crawling!

Below is a short video clip of Marlee taking some steps to Kendall! She's getting so big!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Grocery Girls

Courtney and Marlee enjoyed their trip to Publix today! They got to ride in a "race car" shopping cart!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Want a ride?

Marlee loves her Pooh airplane that she got from Courtney for Christmas! Not only does she love to be pushed in it, but she also loves to push it around the house! Today she pushed Courtney around the house! I was happy because pushing around that airplane sure causes a backache!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Love that Kozmo!

The phrase "Man's Best Friend" is really true in our household! It actually is "Baby's Best Friend"! We have 2 dogs-Kozmo and Samson. Now we love both of our dogs, but Marlee has really taken a liking to Kozmo. He's a mutt and defiently the sweetest! When we first brought Marlee home from the hospital, he was a little crazy and hard to control around her-he was very curious, but as time has gone by, he has mellowed out a lot! Now that Marlee is crawling everywhere and is recognizing things, she loves to crawl over and on top of Kozmo! The great thing about it, is that he lets her! He'll just lick her and take her pulling on his ear or fur! I always said that Kozmo and Marlee will be best buddies once Marlee got older, but it's already happening!